Sunday, March 3, 2019

11,580. RUDIMENTS, pt. 612

RUDIMENTS, pt. 612
(lost and found landscape)
I just go on writing sometimes in
the same manner I go on thinking.
Neither of them in the long run
get me anything but the satisfaction
of knowing I've at least put some
idea of my thought processes down.
It's not like I'm weaving fiction  -
I can't just continually add to the
stories and come up with new
things whole hog. And besides,
I'm too much of the suspicious type
to not be able to garner from any
experience I've had some glimmer
of conspiracy or manipulation
by others behind most everything.
It's easy to know a lot of things;
it's more difficult to know what they
mean. All things exist; they just 
don't always have words to go
with them. And, from that, I can
always come up with a tale. Like 
William Randolph Hearst said 
to artist Frederic Remington  -  
'You furnish the pictures; 
I'll furnish the war.'
Like currently; this crummy
little town I now live in  -  by
whatever name you want to call
it  - it can be Woodbridge, I guess,
or it can be 'Avenel,' I suppose,
though that's really just a section,
and is spoon-fed everything
from the bandits in Woodbridge  -
they put out a notice, back in
January, (proposals due on
Feb. 4th) for a need and a call
for proposals for a 'mural'
in what they're purporting to
have as an 'Arts Center'  -  it's
really, already, just a playhouse
and kiddie romp room for the
sorts of feel-good and glitter
crap that passes now for gay,
intellectualized, social probity.
I don't care about any of that, and
I'll never see it  -  the folks around
here don't really deserve anything
better than glitter-wrapped shit
anyway; and they'll willingly
gobble this up too.
So, anyway, I submitted my own
proposal and rendering, and even
wrote the little synopsis they wanted
telling about the 'meaning' of my
design, how and if it connected to
the town and local concerns, etc.
Like I'm writing to idiots, you
know, so I walked carefully. I
even sent the Mayor a six-pack.
Not really, but in case they wanted
comedy I gave them that too. The
problems abounded  -  mainly in
the process and the nomenclature
they used. Art and merit and
intelligence require certain base
levels of understanding of the
idea of what you're stepping into.
These folks just don't have that
at all. But, I followed process
and began waiting. The initial
'announcement' date was set for
Feb. 11. That date came and
went. The intermediary for all
this was the Barron Arts Center.
(They themselves and the Cultural
and Heritage Commission, or
Arts Council, already soak up
the tax dollars they need and
are supposed to be the reckoning
place for Arts and Culture in
the town  -  in this case they're
being superseded (by further
tax-take and personnel hiring)
by this new, rogue, Avenel-based
disgust still being built.). I had
contact with them and asked why
they were letting themselves get
run over like that and how and
why they had taken on the role
of  'Intermediary' for this process.
(She claimed to be nothing more
than a message-bearer to the
decision people in town-hall
who were overseeing all this).
I also told her that I thought
it was a sham and that before
this had even begun they knew
what their decision would be.
This was just a way of lining
up the shots (not a booze joke,
Mr. Mayor). Further, there were
stipulations in the proposal
that I couldn't figure out, and
I had asked for clarification, and
got none, ever. A few things: After
they were to award the contract
on Feb 11 (never happened) they
gave about 18 days for the 'mural'
to be completed. I said that wasn't
much time, especially as they
themselves had not honored the
Feb. 11th date. I asked if and
what any pushback would be on
the date. (It's now March 3 today).
['Installation of Work : Feb 12
to March 1, 2019']. Nice work,
Picasso, if you can get it.
Then it states that the 'mural'
 is not to be painted on their wall,
but on some other art-surface to
be attached to the wall. 15 feet,
by 11.5 feet. It also had to be
'created from the floor level up.'
That too confused me and I asked
for clarification  -  why from the
bottom up? Can it be sectionalized
and put together, in place, there?
Other questions as well. In any
case nothing happened.
I see it all, already, as a disguise
for taxpayer abuse. (They also
wanted a cost-estimate for the
art. I at first put $2100, and then
mentioned the variables that would
be contingent on their answers  -
to wit, how to build and construct,
cost of wood, etc.). The town already
has a painted underpass of some
6th grade art that leads right up to
this Arts place. And there's the
train station there too, which they've
already claimed for themselves. So,
my submitted proposal-art, and as
I explained it, touched on references
subliminal to both train and rail
traffic, and the sort of floating,
ideal, bumptious art, already
present at the underpass and
fitting the thematics of the town.
The entire thing was, more or less,
like a dry-hole  -  in that the presence
for satisfaction was there, but it
would sure need help. To date,
nothing has been forthcoming.
Now, you may say, why are you so
foul? How can you approach this
is such a fashion? I will tell you,
dear reader, and any Avenel
Hellions who may be reading this.
I draw from a long tradition of,
in this case, activist and in your
face art, running the gamut of
20th century, let's say, art history.
Futurism, Dada, Fauve (these are
all art movements of the past);
Fantasy, play, rhetorical, color,
even, in some respect, Pop.
All of these are to meet the eye
at the eye's level of context  -
transfusing the 'moment' of being
within that 'lobby' of the Arts Center
and coming face to face with 'Art'
at some remove from what's ever
expected, or approved, or comforting.
This is why Municipal jackasses
should never be involved in such
endeavors, nor should tax dollars
be thrown around as relentlessly as
they are no being thrown around
at this location. This is all a travesty
and a joke, and I, in my proposal,
intended to head it off,  face-front,
and address it. Of late, there's a
billboard at Amboy Ave and High
Street, I guess it is, atop some
cabinet storefront, near where
Mauro Motors used to be, and it
advertises now the town-run 
day care services available at what
used to be the Woodbridge Sports 
Club, which the town recently 
purchased, direct from the family
that had owned it for many years, 
to run as a commercial enterprise,
this day care segment being part
of it, I guess. When a business is
run as an independent business, if
they consistently do not make 
money they close up. It occurs 
to me that here, in this case, and
in others taking root now, if these
'businesses' do not make grade, 
they'll just be kept going, as loss
and debt operations, and supported 
by tax dollars. And also represent
a great pipeline, in the meantime,
for laundering money, misusing 
costs, and handing out patronage
jobs. Who in their right mind anyway
would turn their child over to the
town to be fostered out like that?
What's going on anyway? Now
the town quacks are dealing both
in 'Art' and 'Children' and failing
miserable at both. Sounds like
abuse to me.
The foundation of Governance is
supposed to be in governing. Somehow 
in this town, and in this La Brea Tar
Pit of lost dollars that it has here
created, its interests have swung
to business as venture, with no
accounting for costs of continuation,
nor any audited reporting on the
progress of its profit versus loss
potential. Something is fouly amiss,
when they can't even run a cheesy
mural project yet they make
claim for your kids, alcohol,
gay theater, and a restaurant.
For starters. And then back
that up by the installation of
mutes as yes-men behind
the scenes. (12 f'n years is
12 years enough).

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