Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Not going anywhere keeps a
person in place : the lampshade
has it shade, the end of the day 
has its night. A simple tiredness
makes us learn these things. 
Mr. Jember parked his car by the
maple tree. That tree's been losing
a few branches a year, progressively
and persistently, and I don't know
what to do. Perhaps something will
tumble down onto Mr. Jember's car.
Should I tell him now, ahead of time,
or feign my own ignorance when it
happens. Insurance won't cover it,
I know. 'Act of God,' they have the
nerve to say. They're supposed to take
the risk for you, that's why you pay.
Well, there's nothing there I can figure
out. I just wish he'd go. But, as I've
already stated, not going anywhere
keeps a person in place. Right under
my tree, in this, his case.

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