Friday, May 4, 2018

10,787. KETTLE

This kettle burns the only true coal,
making short-detail out of embers.
Enough heat to heat the arms of a 
town. The way they give it all away.
I arrived on the 4:14, took my 
settlement and moved along. Before 
me, the high winds stretched the 
land across the mountain. There was
a school-teachers' convention there.
A few hundred people in a Summer's
vacant ski routine : lodge and dining,
hills and valley. No one, going no where
at all, but learning a negative math.
So long abandoned, this place gave me
the shivers. I took the first road out of
town and turned for the sign that said : 
'Trenchville.' The concierge had told 
me to 'follow the high-tension wires
and you'll never go astray 'round here.

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