Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Wait the line is moving now,
we may have some good news.
The watchman, with that lantern 
they all carry, he's swinging past
us now. I've already seen the two
over-turned cars, and God knows
what else here has happened. There's
a brushfire moving down below  -  
and some guy said it started from 
this. Bad news spreads like, well,
I guess, bad news; but hopefuly 
there's little more to come.
My sister's boyfriend, that Sedgewick
guy you met  -  blasted, fastest driver
I ever did see. Any of those cars, for
all I know, could be his. He's always
going ninety in a twenty-five. 'If he
ever crashes,' I always tell her, 'there's
no hope he'll get out alive.' And if he 
ever flies by a school, he'd surely kill 
thirty kids. And I hope they're not his.
It doesn't take a smokestack genius
to understand when trouble's coming.
Even an engine blows when it's had
too much. A heart explodes...and such.
But some are just to stupid to read
the writing on the wall.

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