Tuesday, March 13, 2018


The Rolling Stones had just left. Their
was always an insane competition between
the two, and each had their followers quite
apart from each other. The Stones had stayed
at Hiram's and the Beatles at Ideal.
A small band of playful monks kept following
them each around : the 1960's fey religion, more
lifestyle philosophy than anything else. Neither
of them really played music worth a darn, but
back then kids knew just as little as they do
today. Stravinsky and the Rite of Spring
would mean nothing to them.
The mash of contact was with guitars; it
was the only thing people knew. Insisting on
calling it music too  -  forgetful of what it
really was. Tribal edifice, shamans around
a fire, the chants to a dark-world God on
a tree-part strung with stretched gut. Lucky
for wildlife there was no wildlife around.
Avenel in '66 was a pretty sterile place. They
still sprayed DDT in all the crevices because
they wanted nothing to grow. They don't do
that any more, at least in the open, and now
they  -  instead  - complain about the things
they've got, not what they don't. Go figure.
Sex Sadie, where have you been?
I told Sgt. Markham what I really thought. He
kept picking me up as I got off the NY bus at
the White Church stop. 'What are you doing
in town? Do your parents know where you
are? Let me see some ID. Where are you
walking to?' Yes, it was like that every time.
I told him, over and over, I was on my way
to Hiram's. He kept saying he thought I'd
be better off at Ideal. I got no satisfaction
there; and told him so.
Oh the world when it's split in two. Bye bye, 
New Jersey, I'll be traveling on. There's not 
much left when there's little gone. 'So I let 
out my wings and then I blew my horn; 
bye bye New Jersey, I've become airborne.'
[Chuck Berry].

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