Saturday, March 10, 2018

10,615. RUDIMENTS, pt. 250

RUDIMENTS, pt. 250
Making Cars
Half of my learning life was 
spent just making things up. 
It was easy and no one even 
knew the difference  - all those 
authorities and such, in school
church and seminary and the 
rest, they were all a bunch of 
blowhards most intent on
believing their own drivel, so,
I figured why shouldn't I take
it upon myself to do it myself
just as well. I got quickly sick
and tired of hearing all their
muck. There was this one guy,
a Mr. Brown, a history teacher
in the High School  -  stern-faced,
bent headed, hunched shoulders,
like a bad cross between Richard
Nixon and Mount Rushmore, if
you had to somehow mix the two.
He lived in Staten Island, which 
back then (still is) is one of the
more dreary places around here :
just roads of ugly homes, bad 
ideas for roads and housing, 
leftover things from another
day, things no one knows what
to do with so they either plow
them over, knock them down, or
ignore them and let the rats and
the junkies figure it out. The 
people who live there aren't 
much better. If you hear, 'I live
in Staten Island,' (Shouldn't that
maybe be 'on'?), just get away
from whoever said it, quickly.
As I said, Mr. Brown lived there,
then. He could never make 
one single horse-note of sense
no matter what he said. His 
narrative of history was rank,
and riddled with offense. That
final year, the Six-Day War 
broke out, right towards the 
end of term, and he and this
Jeff Gutman scatterbrain were
running a veritable cheering
troop for Israel. Every day,
each day, right in the classroom.
Man it was annoying. Gutman
was one of those dweebs (and 
he had his little gene-pool of
followers, and others too not 
of the gene-pool), and they
allowed him to get away with
all sorts of pro-Israel shenanigans,
right there. You'd have thought
he was Abba Eban, or maybe
even Golda Meir  -  except that
was more like his mother, Lil.
My girlfriend then worked at the
town library, and Lilian Gutman
was one of the bosses, or Library 
heads or whatever. The whole
lot of them was a bunch of 
fanatics, and brooking no
opposition. Of course, he 
ended up somewhere perfect 
for him  -  Harvard or one
of those cat-catcher places,
and maybe even then the
Israeli Army, just to really
prove his case. It was bad 
enough that they'd given 
carte-blanche to a bunch 
of straight-haired and
sedentary East Euro's all 
of a sudden pretending 
they'd been kinky-haired 
Arabian-Israelite ancient 
tribal nomads just so they
could get away with stealing 
the local lands and having 
Europe allow them the 
right of erecting their own 
nation-state on someone 
else's land, under the guise, 
and tutelage, of course, of 
an acquiescing God who'd 
chosen and then allowed them 
to do all this and to kill and 
maim all the local sand-dwellers 
they could find so they then 
could move in and pretend that's 
what they'd been all along. 
(Semite, you see, means 
'sand-dweller,' so I never did
know how you could be an 
anti-Semite if you were taking 
the side of the people who lived 
there, on the sand, instead of the 
East-Euro dirt-dwellers they were
suddenly shipping in). I did tell
this to Gutman and Mr. Brown 
too one day while they were 
distributing the day's shipment 
of the daily NYTimes, which 
came into the classroom. 
Back then, you see, high 
schools allowed you to 
subscribe as a group, in 
History class to things like 
the NYTimes, and get them 
each morning and have 
something to discuss. We'd
get about 30 a day. Now . 
they just watch pre-med 
porno on phones instead.
The problem was  -  NO
discussion really was let
in. The first words I spoke on
this matter were immediately
spun around to attack me back
as being an anti-Semite. Which
case I've just explained, as I
did to them. So, the conclusion 
was I was an anti-Semite because
I wasn't rooting for the landed
East-European Kazars, and
Kiev-Rus people, actually, but was
rooting instead for the real Semites
who's always lived there. Huh? The
Kiev-Ru was/is the brand of stolen
Jewry that mostly then was importing
itself into Israel in 'Israel'. The local
Palestinians, etc., WERE the Semites.
I also said they couldn't call it 
'Isreal' because there was nothing
'real' about their cause at all.
Anyway, most people just close
their minds and stick with their 
own tribal versions of their
own family stories, I guess.
It was OK because I knew I was
moving on, and not to anywhere
any one of them was going. Like
salt digging into a wound, I was
really churning them up. It was
kind of funny, though, to see all
the pretention and to watch the
people prone to it fall for it doing
so big time. When you're that age,
the bigger the 'name; you can
glom onto, the 'bigger' you can
feel about your fake, big-time, 
self. There's this historian guy
named Hayden White, a historian,
who wrote, about 1966, a thing
called 'The Burden of History,'
which proposed that history was
falling behind, losing its realistic
sense. It was like that with these
two also  - and even if Mr. Brown
was a 'History' teacher, it was 
getting all twisted up. "Both 
science and art have transcended
the older, stable conceptions of
the world which required that
they render a literal copy of a
presumably static reality." White
felt that it was time History
began doing the same  -  what 
it meant was 'going outside the 
real boundaries of what occurred, 
and making things up.' Which,
of course, I'd felt Mr. Brown and 
Jeff Gutman had been doing all 
along. But this was 'high school' 
man, in a dumb-ass no-think town.
You just were not supposed think
that way, that far outside of the
box, and no one had the brains
enough there anyway to think
that anyone ever would. It was
 like being in  a preternaturally
retarded system of schooling
and learning, in which, back then,
all you really were supposed to
do was go shopping, dine, and
amass things. That was a 'citizen.'
And it was the only reason for all
that 'education' crap anyway. That,
or maybe let them ship  you off to  
Vietnam so you could come back
more with the program, or dead , 
maimed or shaking for life.
"The historian serves no one
well by constructing a specious
continuity between the present
world and the one which
preceded it. On the contrary,
we require a history that will
educate us to discontinuity
more than ever before; for
discontinuity, disruption, and
chance is our lot." By the later
seventies, he'd written a few
other things too, and the essential
premise I carried from it was
the idea that 'Historians' had
pretty much ended up aping
fiction writers in what they do  -  
taking the 'supposed facts' of
historical events, as victors, of 
course, and writing their own
fiction around it, their fictional,
more or less, version of how both
the what and why of things that had 
occurred. Generally phrased, All 
stories are fictions. While historical 
facts are scientifically verifiable, 
stories are not. Stories are made, not 
found, in the historical data. Meaning 
is imposed on the historical facts by 
means of the choice of plot-type,
and this is inevitably ethical and 
political  at bottom. Like Mr. Brown 
and Gutman in their sandbox. 
Written by victors; the losers
never get to write.


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