Friday, October 24, 2014

6025. I WAGER

Do me this favor, come to the river with me.
I wager it will change your life. I am the one
with the cloak of a martyr and the cap of a clown.
How can you avoid all that?
Let me distribute the following : awareness of
the world around; good feelings for the rest of
Man; expressions of affection for Nature and
the animal kingdom. I harm nothing.
Now it is 3PM. On this stupid highway, people
are fouling their nests  -  ten-cylinder Ram trucks,
a few with loaded beds and broken trees and branches,
loudly crowd the busy shoulder, trying to avoid 
the two who rear-ended each other.
My shadow throws a hand across the roadway:
my charades make sense : the cloak of a
martyr and the cap of a clown.

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