Thursday, October 2, 2014


It wasn't nickel spit my guy had on him, it was the
horse manure shadow of death itself. Pale Rider,
in the Ryder vein. Death on a Pale Horse. The
Race Track  -  all that dark, delirious New York
City stuff from the turn of the last century : Novembers
of the soul, as Melville might have put it. Albert Pinkham
Ryder, the guy I mean. Waldo Crane. Hart Franks. 
The whole mess.
I have nothing myself to carry as a corpse  -  I walk the
faint demise and talk to that character in the old Newark 
church; some young, talky guy from Chelsea, who'd moved
instead to take care of the bell tower there at the church. The
very oldest spot in Newark too, though nobody knows the
difference or gives a flying shit anymore. Everything's over.
This life's a whore.
The whole entire world would say all things are falling away.
Nothing but nickel spit will save the day. The whole mess.
This life's a whore.

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