Monday, January 20, 2014


So how do you say it 
how do you take it how do you 
bring it forth ? do I talk too much do 
I overdo it and do I just go on without 
knowledge of limits or with no finesse 
of endings and stops ? I cannot say 
as for myself it’s all of one presentation : 
carpenters on the rooftop plying their
trade and generals in the cornfield 
recreating the very lines of battle none 
of them need to stop and figure their
limits or measure their stops and any 
reflected glory they bask in is worn like 
folded garments of royal cloth - without 
any ado they’ve already got it made and 
here I stand : lonely on 10th Street broken 
on 17th and forgotten for sure by 49th and 
all this without a doubt in a boy too old for
the boyhood due and a man too withered 
for youth : there’s no declension to make 
this language right it’s all sadness 
and sorrow and doubt.

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