Friday, January 31, 2014


Off and running on  -  what sort of distinction is that?
Are you off or are you on? I want to walk the Walking
Purchase, from right where it started by the Delaware.
All those lying, blasted sons of William Penn, how brazenly
they cheated what they played. I hate the likes of all that.
No wonder Dad went home in anger to England once more.
Somewhere along the way west, I passed a huge boulder
the other side of Quakertown or Bethlehem or somewhere.
It was huge, with a crazy plaque denoting some woodsy
lunch that was held there in a grove in some 1750 backwater
time  -  a break in the work for a treaty and discussion. That
was long before the knives came out. And then I got to
Conestoga. The river and the town. All those wagons, once
made there, and all that westward trek. The Mack Truck
overland haulers of their day. It stuck. I love that stuff.
Now I fly paper airplanes from the crazy-house woods.
I lean against the scabbard of another man from Hell.
When they call I answer, I eat when the ring the bell.
Such Pavlovian intentions do me well. I am living still.
Now I cradle your head in my arms. I was reading today,
in a library stall filled with aching and blood, how to kiss
for comfort and love. Kiss gently, upon anyone, at the
site of the third-eye, between the eyes and up 
some high. It brings peace and bliss and aura. 
It brings Love and a golden glow.
(I can hear it now : 'you're gonna' kiss me where?').

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