Wednesday, January 15, 2014



(all politicians should die)
Kingfisher out from the shallows, remind me
of what I am - take my place, walk with me,
let me go. I've got nothing untarnished to gather
the crowd, and all glimmers lost are calling my
name to others who hear. I read the martyrs and
saints, and all they do is make me tired. I read of the
remnants of newspaper war, and all I get is a
bad-relief sensation of something run amok. I'm
as sick of a smirk as a vote. Red handles on the
screwdriver case make it look like a votive lamp,
something Hungarian, or testy like that, just waiting
for donations to throw forth another light. A prayer and
a hope, for nothing at all, for the great guy atop the
mountain nearby, for nothing at all after all, and why?

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