Monday, November 25, 2013

4779. HIGH HAT

Unclaimed changes, tempo breaks, long
slow drone of the peripatetic shake : this
piece has no score at all. 'We 'jes playin',
man, or does you not understand'?
I did, and then I did again : smoke was
pouring from that tenor sax like a made-up
scene in a bad old western : six-gun Molly
comes a struttin' in sweet, here on 27th Street.
'I lost the law when the law lost me, and now
there's just nothing more to do; been comin'
here each week for near on a decade already.
We learn to play just watching them play.'
Over on the riser, the drum man skittered,
hi crazy blue eyes mad, gone far, out.
The tempo he kept was the heart of
a cat : stern, wild, careening and fat.

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