Monday, November 18, 2013


It's how we strengthen the weak and maim the strong:
carbonation, of a sort, in the fruit drink of life. The soldier
walks off with a local, they bed down, they hunker, they
escape the petty strife. Soldiers will practice their
urban warfare in fake cities set up as sets. Like some
less grandiose Hollywood of old, someone play-acts
dead while the ketchup juice flows from a head or a
groin. People in pieces, while truth is purloined.
Why is it that we need to learn to kill?
Look at these people anyway  -  six years, maybe, 
out of puberty, playing now with bombs and matches
as if the stick ball crowd was coming to the schoolyard
to watch a game. I lift up a rock. Beneath it, I find
nothing but disgust at how we live.

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