Saturday, November 16, 2013


I don't feel embarrassed for having responded to this,
so listen up Tinkerbell : here are my shoes, and my
cuff links, and my shirt. This here is my metal comb.
I placed them on the mantle, where you keep that photo
of your Uncle Nestor and those pieces of coal. 
The story came down through your ages (in silence,
 in silence, in dread) how they moved the village, and the
two churches as well, each time to coal-seam was moved. 
Each time they exhausted the one seam (the town was
built atop it, as the miners lived and worked there), and
then  -  just as well  -  moved when the new seam was 
opened. The miner's live was an exhausting one.
The only thing they never moved, you told me, (in silence,
in silence, in dread; when the lights were out, after we'd
made love) was the cemetery. each time, time after time,
the dead, left behind, a few miles back.

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