Wednesday, November 6, 2013


(kobo abe)
I'm reading all this Japanese prose  -  Oe, Murakami, the rest.
It seems so strange : strong, delicious and plain. Like the
memory of an atomic disaster  -  a few bombs (Fat Man)
and a overblown reactor too. What's the difference when
I ain't got you? Read for yourself  -  and get the hell out
of my way. Read 'Norwegian Wood' by Murakami, then
we'll talk  -  sex and panties, panties and sex. The old
guy dies in his hospital bed, muttering about the train
station and then Midori slips out of her bloomers.
Midori means 'green' in Japanese. It's also the name
of a violinist too  -  like I said to the girl in the dog park
whose dog was named 'Midori.' I said 'Where'd the name
come from?' She said, 'It's a liqueur.' I bet, you fucking
drunken whore-bag. But I didn't mention that last part
part, just said, 'Oh, I didn't know,' instead. Things are
like that sometime. And then I wonder  -  how filthy dirty
can I get on a post like this : poetry for the masses, screwing
in their asses, men don't make passes to girls who wear glasses.
What was that? Dorothy Parker never saw Japan, or if she did 
it was only while looking at the window while some guy was
screwing her brains out from behind. Now, back to Japanese 
novelusts  -  see what I mean, see how they make me think, 
see how crazy this shit gets. Gets to this. 
Brings me nowhere. I can't get off.

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