Thursday, May 3, 2012


Gyrate, all you people. These are ominous
places  -  all filled with lineages without age,
blind people blind with rage, and every
archetype you'd ever come 'round to imagine.
Let's begin : My grandmother died here, a
hopeless, wasted wastrel, bent and broken
and mute and stupid to my 9-year-old eyes,
with tense silence and a loss of words. Yes,
it was 1959. And now? All around me I have
to listen to people saying their stupid things  -
all those words she never said, and the words
she'd have liked to have said; all her silences
enforced by a rare and dense stupidity of time.
It is now that silence I'd like to enforce, that
I wish for and wish she never had. I wish to
be silent, but I wish too to speak for her, for
what she never said, for what she never had.
Her. My words are already lined up along
the corridors of the rooms where she was 
forced to live. No more, no more, the stark
dignity of essence or entry or being or presence.
March has gone already, and April  -  all those
brown and windblown grasses greening now,
in May, have become something else  -  a
sheetwise glimmer, a summer slide, a joyous,
wavy happenstance of all that we are given
over to live. The rain, in showers, filters down
on a grandmother's silent words. All these
years later, it is that which I am hearing : a
sudden newness to very old, unspoken words.
On all sides, the world rolls coldly away.
'The Easter stars are shining above lights that
are flashing  -  coronal of the black  -  nobody
to say it  -  nobody to say  -  Pinholes!' Gyrate,
all you people; these are ominous places.

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