Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Doctors come with jackhammers hoping to
find pulses in the deadest of wood and rock;
ripping all to shreds and pieces. Nothing gone
but nothing good. 'Here's the report you wanted :
we are all associated criminals now.' And that's
the way it was and that's the way it stood. I now
promulgate for you the manner of my steadfast
hand : 'I want your iron gate, I want your daughter
and your sister, together, I want your ten extra
acres and your stop-light barricade. I want your
marbles and your attic-furnishings, I want your
grandad's bag of gold. I want the tiles from your
kitchen walls and I want the jewels you sleep with.
I want your handguns and your hooligans, your
free cash and your guards.' With that I sat down
and told anyone who'd listen that I'd stay until
all of this was over and I'd gotten all I asked.
The dog-man came in with his frozen roulette-wheel.
It wouldn't turn, he took no bets, the window sash
fell with a racket and everyone suddenly got up to go.

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