Thursday, March 22, 2012

3523. SHOWTIME (Nature is all eyes)

(Nature is all eyes)
Nefertiti stole the gown. Carrying twenty
items in a ten item sack, Hiram Omair
did the lickety-split. None if this can be helped.
Low-cost, freezer-quality education doesn't
come cheaply, nor to those who wait. Just
beyond the privacy fence, Nancy Tangert
bathes herself in gruesome sunlight.
Nature is all eyes.
I am of the tendency to let things fester,
taking as much time as possible before
lancing the boil. So to speak. Have you
ever watched a dentist drilling? Or a mason
throwing mortar? It's a skillful and deliberate
undertaking, each  -  little done by those not
in the know, not up to par, not trained in the
skills so obviously needed. I agree, there's
plenty of time for everything. Plenty of
time for it all, (and Nature is all eyes).

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