Friday, March 2, 2012


Money flies in the wake of action,
like gulls behind a ferryboat's wake :
chasing froth and foam, diving in hope
for fish or food, the warrant for an
errant pretzel scrap unfulfilled.
Those who would laugh at this life
are lining the benches, laughing back.
I excuse, don't you see, nothing as
I excuse all things : people who are
too nice, the ones who eat too much,
the junk, the crap, the very puke of
excess. Like some men there, I
am too long at the fair.
Those who would laugh at this life
are lining the benches, laughing back.
In 1948 the cityscapes seemed covered
with smokestacks and all dark things;
an emanation, a charcoal, a black and
white chiascuro of what Man could do,
or would. Even the shapes and forms
were serious and stern.
Now, by a contrast of some contrast,
everything has grown pastel  -  light and
hopeful, although somehow false as well.
Spilling over the landscape like a light new
confetti, things just will not stay down or
stay put. (Today, today, where is my
Hart Crane today)?
Those who would laugh at this life
are lining the benches, laughing back.

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