Saturday, November 14, 2020

13,224. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,088

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,088
(trigger zone)
Time has so far passed me
that I now realize that the 
foundation of things is 
without any 'foundation'
at all. On that note, an aside
here is 'Carl Sandburg said
that 'slang' is language that
spits on its hands and gets
down to work.' In that same
vein, I announce here that,
by Jeepers, I agree with the
late, great 'Donald Trump' 
that 'This is a fraud on the
American public. This is an
embarrassment to our country.'
I was embarrassed to see that
he left out the word 'perpetrated,'
or 'being perpetrated,' which
would have fit. That's some
slang, right?
What galls me the most, I
suppose  -  after years of time
scheming through the flatlands
of NYC on a cakewalk of 20
cents a day, including dumpster 
diving, begging and stealing,
(albeit, I grant you, a long time
ago), is how far we've now come
to the voluntary slavery of an
enforced people complacent 
with nothing more than being 
told what to do and tink by 
bands of raving morons and 
maniacs. Sland  alert: 'And
this shit gets applauded!'
Living in this land right now  - 
which I mostly have, fortunately,
left, walked away from, turned
my back on  -  is a nightmare
proportionate with the radiation
sickness that plagued people
after Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
those in the 'vicinity'  -  as it
was called after most real things 
were bronzed, scorched, vaporized,
burned to cinders, or frozen in
a death-throes agony that made
Pompei seem like a carnival.
The slang of any of that is that
it all became nothing so much as
a sideshow, centuries later, for
visitors to Italy to amble through
with their Konicas and Minoltas
around their neck. Did you know
that, in atomic attacks, those
sorts of items can be burned 
right into the wearer's or carrier's
skin and body  -  camera and
strap together welded into the
skin and frame? I wonder what
slang calls that? 'Hot time in
the old time tonight?' And that
the fash of atomic weapons can
instantly expose any and all film
(back when cameras had and used
film anyway. I don't know how the
new 'digital' bullshit end of any of
this goes). 'It's a lesson too late for
the learning. Made of sand. Made
of sand.'
Are you going away with no word
of farewell? Will there be not a
trace left behind?
Here's a twist: 'Imagine yourself 
a member of the lower middle 
class recently put out of work 
by the Covid pandemic and 
worried about how you will 
supply your family’s basic 
needs in the months ahead. 
You turn on your television 
set to watch the news, and 
you see major American cities 
taken over by rioters and looters 
claiming they are protesting 
“systemic racism.” In disgust 
you change channels to discover 
kids at Yale and elsewhere 
denying speakers who disagree 
with them the right to speak, 
and then claiming they feel 
unsafe even behind ivy-covered 
walls. You change the channel
once more to discover your local 
anchors are delighted to run a 
piece about the first trans judge 
in your county, a former man, 
now claiming to be a woman 
but who even in a dress looks 
a good deal more masculine 
than most. Enough, enough! 
Bring on Donald Trump.'
So, anyway, my notion now, of
new-slang morality, is not much
more than an old beatnik shrug
and a 'what the fuck?' When people
can no longer be told the truth,
speak the truth, accept the truth,
or understand the truth, what
are they worth anyway? Nothing
at all, I'd say. And I do. Say it.

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