Wednesday, November 11, 2020


There are magnificent notions, of the
sort that brought this world together
and which then let it flounder.... a
thoughtless, ball-less, God indeed.
(Though, frankly, God would have
no need of balls, I'd suppose). Let's
then consider the first sunrise.  Which
came first, the rise? Or the setting of
the night before? You see where I'm
going with this?
In a haven named (now) Eden, what
solace could there have been? The
endless growth of bananas? Palm
fronds? Avocados? Oranges? 'Groves
by the droves,' I'd heard Adam say,
though he could not have.
In the mid-afternoon rain, things
descend in a perfect precision: I am
watching the globular water-circles
at the edges of my fir-tree branches.
They were not there three hours ago;
but so what and what matter is that?
My goodness, I've become an ungracious
malcontent indeed. One drives to 'Summit,'
NJ  -  to see there's no Summit at all; just
more of the same drivel of the sort that
attracts Jim Cramer. The American
Revolution was soon superseded by
lawn care and suburbs....and no one
knew any difference at all. Sometimes
I'm sure the world's a large circumference
of every foolish thing I've ever imagined.

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