Thursday, November 5, 2020


Have you ever read him? A
Russian writer, friend of Tolstoy
and Gogol too. He wrote of the
future long before even the past
was done. Curious. He spanned
his times and people. Omni.
There is no word for omni in 
Russian, so of course he never
used it  -  though discerning
readers always sensed what he
meant. The Winter Palace? He,
in Gorky Park, travelling with
his two regal greyhounds.
When Lenin said, 'These are orders,'
of course he had to be shot; slain
like a pedophile in a confessional
booth: Brimming with the fire of
the occasion. The nation mourned;
but so quickly in its passing it was
over. He had written of that future,
long before it was a past.

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