Monday, November 2, 2020


Used to be, when the deadline for copy
came I was always ready; it loomed
over my head as near constant. I'd
scramble the copy and get it sent over.
By morning, hell, it was already printed.
Then the calls would start  -  Did you
really write that? I can't believe? Why
would you phrase it that way? What a
stupid point of view?...
Of course, and don't get me wrong, there
were calls from the other side too. Another
nice piece. It made me feel warm to read it.
You sure have a good grasp of things.
This was all before the Internet babble. When
a phone number printed was a phone number
called, and people were willing to talk not
just jab. I'd get proud of myself, if only just
for that  -  garnering a sensible response from
a world filled with interested eyes.
No longer that, now. The sabers are as sharp
as a prison shiv, mean and foul, hit and miss,
cut and run. There's no shield, and people are
shameless. Their diction perfunctory, and their
minds, mostly dead for discussion, just rant
or go aimless : Nothing to do about that.

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