Thursday, November 26, 2020


Shadows ran the eleven o'clock
wall like a spider web in the sky;
how one sees it only when it's hit
by light from the sun. This  -  being
sort of the opposite  -  made me
think of depth. In those childhood
tales of Ali Baba and the desert riddles,
there was never any depth to an oasis.
That always troubled me  -  how the idea
ran that once you got there it was gone,
the idea, like the image, receding. And
there was never anything, within that
'oasis' idea, like a cave or a cavern. It
was all surface stuff, nothing deep.
Perhaps 'dimension' and depth never
entered the minds of those early, sandy,
travelers. Where can you go when it's 
a hundred degrees at each moment and
nowhere to hide in the shade? Maybe
their raggedy minds never figured there
was a refuge for anything anywhere.

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