Monday, July 29, 2019


Too late for all these flowers
and the scent just makes me
sneeze, and who are these 
guys anyway? Where'd they
come from, some safari?
Wildebeast and anteaters
on the Serengeti Plains?
I'd go forward if I wasn't 
in chains. Yes, yes, there's
moonlight in the cell, so 
what? I can't do anything
with it. You seem to have
brought me here for nothing.
Now, to take a dig at you,
I'd like to be home again,
and with your wife!
Remember when 'Edward 
Robinson Squibb was burned
in the fire in is lab? That was
1858, damn you, and this is
now. He managed to survive,
and they sent him to Brooklyn
and he made a mint. Bad
fortune sometimes makes for
great endings.
There's too much I just don't
know : In the Winter I can't
get warm, and in the Summer
I can't keep cool. Two distant
endings; but what's in the
middle for someone like me;
inquisitive, wasteful, fool.

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