Tuesday, July 9, 2019


And we respect the baseball card,
and the waffle, and the wiffle ball
as well. We park cars everywhere;
we babysit kids and take old ladies
to the store. We can be yours for
keeps and so much more.
I wave my felt-tipped hat to the
guy who mans the broomstick,
pushing piles of street debris
homeward to the curb. I wave,
as well, to the man in the blue
street-sweep machine, swiping
the spray of his water downward.
I may notte by alble to spell but
I weave a mean spell anyway, and
all before dessert. I watch all phases
of the technicolor moon, to which I
sometimes bay. We have sandwiches
made of sunlight, tasting better anyway,
that we eat at midnight parties until
everyone goes away. To those who
bring a cart, we give a horse. To
those who bring a horse, we try
to sell a cart. Well, that's how
it's done here, beneath the
court and spark.

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