Sunday, July 7, 2019


The lace curtains come from
Valhalla; they are produced by
old maids who are wise in their
ways. In other worlds, perhaps,
they would be Goddesses.
I was holding a felt-tip marker,
violet in color, and I left my
lines. A small drawing, and an
arrow, with a little poem. Inside
the curtain, at what would
be otherwise called the back;
facing out. Perhaps no one
will ever see it.
The Manager said, 'We only 
hire choristers here; young 
ladies who are immaculate;
women who are pure.' I told
him I totally understood, and
then I said, 'If you ever find
anything here, as odd and out
of place as me, please call.'
He didn't know it, but my
number was on the back of
that lace curtain.

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