Saturday, July 20, 2019

11.923. KEEPSAKE

I only remember something fell
to the floor; I can't remember
what it may have been. Not to
profess my allegiance, but a
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari this is
not. It had to be something
quite simple. 'Able was I before
I saw Elba.' Do you know what
I mean? 
The outer man, from his inner
heart seems only to think in circles:
The curlicue maven who once was
his mother; the many choices he 
made along his sacrificial way.
I get so tired of hearing all that;
I begin to sound like a Bob Dylan
rat, signing notations in a little
red notebook. The notebook, lost.
Bob, I have it. remember. June 28th,
1974, in Petersborough; we were
bending down to restring a guitar,
and it fell from your upper pocket.
I said nothing at the time, just
thinking to hock it. I still keep it,
Baby Blue. And there's nothing
you can do....
This is all a dishevelled mess, and by
now the answers are gone. Whatever
you've missed, you should count as
coincidence. Long, long, the sun won't
shine, and the Masters of War
are all busy dying.

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