Wednesday, August 22, 2018

11,093. RUDIMENTS, pt. 416

RUDIMENTS, pt. 416
cinema verite : avenel
As a kid, I'd go to the
movies, often enough, and
mostly with Kenny Kaisen, a
kid down the street whose father
would drive us to and from.
His claim to fame was the Droste
Chocolate Company, (Dutch
import chocolate) job in NYC
he had. It was pretty big-time,
in my eyes anyway. He had
a really nice, two-year old
'55 Oldsmobile Holiday, I
think it was, or their other
premium model; two-tone
paint, in the 1950's style. This
one was like a peach color and
cream. Pretty spiff. We'd get
a ride down to that little
Woodbridge Theater place by
Town Hall. Nothing special, 
just a little cinderblock box
of a building. All the features
were continuous play, so when it
ended, and after a few cartoons
and junk, they'd just start it again.
So, with one admission fee, early
enough in the day, you could see
the same movie maybe 3 times.
All you really had to do was buy
some junk, Good & Plenty, or
popcorn, every so often so they
wouldn't get annoyed at you.
We spent many a long afternoon
in there, doing our own little
Siskel and Eber routine  -
critiquing the movie, then
deconstructing scenes, then
going on about the actor or
actress, and how they did this
or that  - wrongly or correctly,
in our eyes. Long shots, vista
shots, suspense. All that junk,
we'd go on about. I had this
thing for Hayley Mills, (she
was about 14) and would
watch her every move and
expression. Invaders From Mars
was another good one, but I felt
the little boy-kid in it was lacking
any skill. Too solid and dull, and
overwrought like a brick. In any
case, that movie always reminded
me of what it was like in school.
Anyway, learning to view another
form of reality through 'film' eyes,
I started double-timing myself,
fast-tracking my own ideas, which
usually just crash-landed (story of
my life). One was (this was like
1960, remember, the concept was
new and unheard of, though things
like this do happen now) an idea I
had of a second, smaller image-box
on the big movie screen which
would show, in addition to the
large movie-image, another set
of images representing what the
person was thinking at that time.
It's kind of like life, where you
DO something, but you're thinking
other thoughts, something else,
other angles, or just ahead, or
back. Problems abounded, in
that, for the director and movie
making people, it would have
represented a whole, other, film
having to be made. Two movies
in one, so to speak, and what
continuity they'd have to have
with and for each other, I never
figured out. But, no matter, it
always seemed as if it could
be a breakthrough movie idea
thing; a new step.
That brought me smack dab
into the glimmer of dislocation.
I realized, or began realizing,
that (unlike in the Purple Rose
of Cairo) one cannot 'enter' the
movie screen one is viewing.
Hmmm. Wait a minute! Once
I began studying theoretics,
philosophy and physics, (to
use very general names) I
saw that, in fact, that may
all be true! In quantum ways,
this is exactly what Life is.
Of course, any of that would
have gotten me locked up
along Avenel Street, or
trying to bespeak this to
the always-inquistive
Officer Crilly, who was
always trying to bag me
for walking the streets, or
at least Rahway Avenue, as
I'd exit the bus by the white
church corner, (that was
the color of the church, as
it was referred to. Nothing
racial, as the town itself had
recently been desegregated) - 
almost every time, the bus
from New York, Officer Crilly,
and the same barrage of
dumb questions. It was like
Robert Redford in 'This
Property Is Condemned,'
except I wasn't him. The
guy didn't miss a trick, and
I swear he was on 'hippie'
alert or 'freak patrol', or
whatever those jerks
would have called it,
for people entering 'his'
town. Just like a really
bad southern movie. What
made it even funnier, or
weirder maybe, and perhaps
that accounted for his seething
anger at me all the time, was
this his wife, a few years
previous to this, had asked
me to be the Cub Scout
advisor, at her house, to the
Cub Scout pack her boys
were in, Webelos or
something, it was called.
For a period of time that
Winter, 1966, in there
somewhere, I would walk
the next block over and sit
in with her little Cub Scout
thing there, at her house,
and 'advise.' There was
nothing to it really, but it
also didn't last too long.
I wasn't much of an Advisor,
my head was way elsewhere,
and Boy Scouts itself had
never really meant anything
to me.
Some days, I did feel as if I
was living in a film. Just like
my cool idea  -  except I was
in the little thought box of
things that weren't really the
main action; just instead, the
leading thoughts, the far more
interesting subtexts and
intentions. They mostly were
silent roles, which was also
cool, because everyone esle
was always concentrating on
the main action. That's how
you can get to people. The
advertising world used to call
that, in its primitive stages,
'subliminal,' but that was far
more advanced than that. I
was stealing souls. 
Attention-getting mellophonics
is one thing, but the person who
knows how to use hidden melodies
and harmonic themes within,
buried, can oftentimes slide things
right past people. Totally slick
propaganda ways, not so much the
in your face mass-theatrics of
Hitler and Goebbels. It seemed
to be like that was all over the
place, as I began looking around.
People usually end up loving 
all the spectacle that goes into
convincing them they're not 
being convinced of something.
This whole street was made of
people being getting convinced,
and by the spark and flash of
'Kookie' on 77 Sunset Strip, or
Dr. Kildare or Ben Casey. It was
quite pathetic, but by such was 
our 1950's and early 60's nation
led to slaughter. By 1963, it had
all been worked out, even so that
the chosen sacrificial lamb, one
John F. Kennedy  -  fool though
he be  -  had to go. I think if
they could have done it on the
Ed Sullivan show, the whole
street would have been watching.
After that, for sure, it was off
to the races....The big movie
was playing but I stayed in 
my little side-box. Thanks.

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