RUDIMENTS, pt. 398
(avenel insurrection)
When I did finally end up
in Metuchen, my house was
quite close to the old Metuchen
Coal Yard. Long gone, now
a park, with a large manor
home on the corner (still there)
and the tracks behind - which
railtracks did at one time stop
and drop off the coal and supplies
needed. The reason I bring this
up is because, at the border of
Woodbridge and Avenel are the
tracks where I was hit, and it's
also once the site of Avenel Coal
and Oil, manor house, etc. Except
now it's ALL gone, per usual
Woodbridge jerkiness, and replaced
after long years of a driving range
(for golf) and then (currently)
large, rangy acres of condos and
apts. All the usual hands being
out. So I am once more both near
to the very tracks that quite nearly
took me out, and also at the site
of a place (Obropta family) with
whom at St. George Press I had
business dealings, until they were
gone. I don't know anything more
of the family. The older man I
used to deal with is, I'm assuming,
long dead, and there's still one,
prideful, braggart Obropta still
sitting back somewhere. No
consequence at all; wrong world.
Small world, in any case, how the
ring-zone of my personal life has
homed in on, and returned to, tracks,
trains, coal yards and blowhards too,
I guess. I love it - mainly because
I love allowing others to implicate
themselves in their own stupidities.
The way the forlorn world changes,
the very idea of some 1958 weird
idea (golf driving ranges) seems so
senseless now as to be laughable.
There are still driving ranges around,
but the land-value factor has changed
over so much that they're no longer
indispensible - because the same
crowd who laps at golf is the crowd,
as well, that is usually deeply immersed
in real estate, business, profit and loss,
etc. In other words, losers attracting
losers, who suddenly 'realize' that
the ground they're standing upon,
hitting their little white balls, is worth
fifty-thousand times the golf-ball
hitting rate multiplied ten-fold, and
why waste a good chance. So we
then get all the ground hoodlums
building condos, paving everything
in site, and building; and then we
get the delinquent cheerleaders
about it all saying how great it is,
and the old-line local coal-family
guy rooster-crowing about his fine
heritage and privilege in having
brought all these tons of crap to
be. 'What a wonderful place we've
made for you and me.' Nothing
matters, because none of it's real
and I'll see them all in Hell.
When I got started here, it was a
bit of a wordless paradise. Now
it's not. And I don't care, because
I'm supposed to leave, move out,
go away, for not liking it. Which
makes. I guess, 'Democracy' the
naked dead-end that it really is.
At least the little word-whore
who says it realizes what she
says, I hope. ("Vell, Heinz,
they're killing Jews again
down the street, I don't like
that." Heinz says, "Oh, it's nothing,
If you do not like, move away."
"Vell, Heinz, now they are killing
left-handed people down in the
school-yard. I don't like that."
Heinz says, "Oh, it's nothing,
If you do not like, move away."
"Vell Heinz, they are burning
babies and puppies down the
street. I do not like that." Heinz
says, "Oh, it's nothing, If you do
not like, move away."...I won't
belabor the point, but I'm
sure you get it. This is all
imposed Authoritarian dictate.
People can be pretty happy
when they're dead-ass stupid.
Back about 1959, there was
a kid, name forgotten, no idea,
who lived in a house on that
little curve of a street behind
firehouse, which street turns
out for entry to Route One. He
was a nasty moron, violent and
evil. I remember well, at the
strain station, him telling me
once that (listen folks, this is
true stuff, I'm not making it up)
that when his cat died, or more
than once, I can't remember,
he'd freeze the dead cat, in
a freezer, in a bucket of water,
and take it to the station, above
the underpass. He would take
out the block of ice and throw
it downward, where it would
break into lots of pieces, and so
would the cat - because it was
all frozen up like that, hard with
the water. I had no idea if what
he said was or would be true or
false, but the chilling image of
that idea, and the viciousness
of this kid's thinking made me
disgusted. Made me hate what
Avenel replicated in its lousy,
know-nothing state. From all
that I can see, it's still pretty
much like that. And I've been
other places, to make and see
the comparisons.
It's all about what you want,
I guess, what you can manage,
what you'll tolerate. I'm far
away from all that - my
interests are far off, my work
is distant from what anyone
here would understand, my
thinking is purely insurrectional,
and I share no philosophical or
emotive traits with the goons
and criminals who run the place.
All well and good for me - it's a
closet, a book-case, a library,
a painting room, drawing room,
and music/reading room for me.
I'm a rich man. Cats in little
pieces, or not. What's even
more fitting now is how this all
is summed up so well with that
closing bit of 'street philosophy'
in the preceding chapter, where
the guy said to me, 'If you have all
these things around you, just
take them in, but don't let any
of it bother you.' Or, as St.
Paul put it, much better, 'I am
in the world, but not of it.'
more fitting now is how this all
is summed up so well with that
closing bit of 'street philosophy'
in the preceding chapter, where
the guy said to me, 'If you have all
these things around you, just
take them in, but don't let any
of it bother you.' Or, as St.
Paul put it, much better, 'I am
in the world, but not of it.'
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