Monday, July 9, 2018


They rode the sleeve to the
corner of 29th where the
vendor of peanuts was slain.
He was down in a puddle of 
blood. We only assumed they'd
taken his money. Peanut vendors
don't sell drugs or do illicit things.
Poor guy was dead or doomed or
dying anyway. We could hear the 
sirens approaching, and at least
ten people, it seemed, had called
a 911 on their stupid phones.
I said, 'Isn't the Morgan Library
around here? Maybe they ran
to that yard.' But it was only a
Starbucks nearby when we got
there. Too bad then for all that.
I figured if it ever started raining
the fresh blood would wash away, 
but within the hour some police
truck showed up and  -  after the
scene investigation  -  they then
powerwashed the sidewalk. Yuck.

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