Tuesday, March 31, 2015


'My heart will never mend, I can't be whole without you,
where are you now, my sweet love, Billy?' She was
sayng that pretty convincingly, I overheard. Standing
right next to her in the photo line, I wasn't sure of
anything : I did remember that crazy Russian lady
in Brighton Beach, that section of the city where
they all dwell. She took one look at me, asking 
me for money, as I passed. Before I could even 
 respond to her presence, Jesus K. Rist, she was
off and running. Russian expletives, I think,
had never sounded better  -  and they were,
again I think, directed at me.
The, another time, at Wallabout Bay, in Brooklyn
by the old navy yard, the same thing happened. This
time I gave it right back  -  I think it's a Russian scam,
trying to embarass people or something, outsiders
anyway, shaming them in to giving out money
so just to shut them up. I turned : "Listen to me you
fat-assed mother-fucking Russky bitch, shut the
fuck up and get out of my way. Now!
It worked.

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