Saturday, March 28, 2015


Richard shall kill Devin shall kill
Mark shall kill Shawn shall kill
Henry shall kill Edward shall kill
William shall kill Alexander shall kill
Thomas shall kill Kevin shall kill Micheal.
Such is the order of the military bearing:
changeable names, no matter, fill them in.
That way of things which sets gentlemen to
sitting at tables with ale and cigars proclaiming
who won and whose maneuvers were best. The
tankard holding beer shall represent the tank
over there. The stein shall be the battlements shown
'Today, at long last, Priapus,
the third defensive line was found
at Troy. Those digging to seek an archeology
grand have turned instead the earth in their
hands and thereby decided, in the presence of
a priest, that here was the third defensive line.
Inscribed upon stone,
slab after slab, they read
these marks:
'Artemis shall slay Hector
shall slay Georgis shall slay
Demosthenes shall slay Andreas.'

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