Wednesday, March 25, 2015


In chemistry they call it 'molecular digression', the
paring down of electrons fit the idea of great speed
through atomic space. The idea, mind you, because
such space does not (exactly) really exist. The void
displacement undertaken by the atom we understand
as solid matter, though that too is not. If done right,
I really could walk through that wall. Here, watch
my coffee smoke disperse, steaming through a place
we inhabit? We shouldn't quarrel over these things.
There are schools of fools for that. Just accept.
If we keep it, essentially, simple  -  simple enough
anyway to understand as speed and light and sound,
then this 'world' isn't really so bad. It's just what
we do to it that screws everything up, like the
observer messing up that which he observes.

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