Wednesday, March 19, 2014


It's raining in the hole and this is not the
Comstock Lode. Don't try to remember:
the guys who ran the art museum are all
dead.  What's left on the walls behind them
are just the shadowed marks where paintings 
used to hang. Dreams. Wishes. All that
fulfillment stuff. The only thing that matters in
the end is the ending. As was said by that 
Costello guy in the Boston crime movie, 
after the other  fellow at the bar says his 
mother's not doing well - 'she's on her way 
out'  -  he says 'We all are; act accordingly.'
I like that, and excuse me for being direct but
it's a hit and all men are going down.
Nothing to steal; my mother's jewelry box was 
filled with junk  -  costume jewelry and big, red
clip-on earrings in the shape of a rose only a clown 
would wear. I sometimes wondered why I ever 
came down that chute : made me wince and made
me cry. My origins were nothing much, but who's
to blame for that? Now I compare myself to any
of the dregs I see on 34th, and I laugh aloud.
Fat, black mamas with asses the size of Georgia,
and skinny black guys with pinpricks for eyes, doing
the sidewalk shuffle while talking loudly and looking 
for change. Money, not the other item. And I wonder
why I'm still alive : for Jesus Christ O'Malley's sake what
am I doing here? It's a hit and all men are going down.
The felt hat is worn like a cadaver. The black coat fits
no man at all. That woman's fake ermine rides the carp
like a taxi on a scam. The policeman is whistling his
idle tune while sizing up the post office goon, that guy
on two good legs coming down the steps. 
Grand finale, hot tamale. It's a hit and
all men are going down.

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