Friday, March 7, 2014


See how many disregarded items return
to haunt or break us : the Minister in his
play, his wife, eating nestled biscuits imported 
from another land. He takes a hatchet to his hand,
but stops before he strikes once more. 'I do not
will to do this. It would not be.' And, satisfied once
more, he walks away. Such pride before the man
of God  -  he who thinks the path is righteous,
he too sometimes doubts.
Inside the hat-house, a few matrons loll about;
inside this scripture store all these used goods are
sold as gifts for the poor  -  money turned over
once per month. 'We would sell most anything, yes, 
but  -  surprisingly  -  what sell the most are shoes 
and picture frames. we can never understand that.'
She turns, and again faces the closet that brims
with old LP's and funny gadgets. In the window
shine a few wretched, old clocks.
I am where I am and I've brought myself there.
It's on this street where timing seems most to
have missed his denatured mark : a human
thing, a very human thing.

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