Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Saul Bellow & Delmore Schwartz, 
at Lahiere's, Princeton, NJ, 1952)
It is a hard life, all this waiting for dawn,
sensing what the Moon will evade, seeing 
the two dippers up high, on black, against 
the night sky. All will be what it is.
There are men talking dutifully nearby,
and without any end, it seems  -  they
go on about what they will: streets and
daughters and what their wives last said.
'We have plenty of communication, but
I still want out.' Aha! This jester speaks!
I find, anyway, the Jewish curse in all
this foolish talking, about money and
gain and loss and advantage. To take
such pride in a passing moment, it seems
to me, is foolish, as foolish as Life itself.
Especially as a Jew, with all the things
that are otherwise professed. Pippa 
passes, now atone for the rest.
I am lost instead  -  of no affiliation like
this : still mourning the American loss; of
plains and Indians, of grains and oceans.
To be frank, my little, loose-limbed darling,
there is nothing left and all I've ever learned
is dead. Man has defied his structures and
an atomic belief in atoms is no belief at all.
In sitting with Saul Bellow, there is still a nervousness
left. The grand, old stories  -  all those Jewish ways,
the Montreal beginnings, the guys and goys, from
Lefferts and Chicago, Morningside and Lake Shore
Drive. I haven't held to happenstance myself that long,
and anyway, Delmore Schwartz will never come home.
No, Delmore Schwartz will never come home  -  
having lost his affiliation too.

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