Friday, October 11, 2013


(the arsonist)
I went absent at the great conflagration, running
for my life at the time  -  fleeing past countless
horrors; the ways and the endings of hundreds.
Building to window to building and glass the
flames spread, fast. People were subsumed as
quickly as their awareness awoke to what the
flames bespoke. Death and destruction and
the drummings of doom. I stood not fast
to look back; the hummingbird's quest.
Put your pencils down, for I will speak
no more. It is too late to infiltrate the
gate. The money has been spent and
the deeds already done : finished,
all that work. We spread panic
and we spread fear. Flames
here and flames there.
Now 'tis the morrow of the notion,
and another day entire. In place,
still wings buzzing, only still
the hummingbird's quest.

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