Saturday, October 26, 2013


Much like God hanging on a hook, staring back
to space, into a place unlike any other. I watched
that fearsome tongue -  of light, of fire, of death.
It scared me to no end. Just down the street,
the Newark train station and all those gypsy cabs
waited, beckoning. The FBI Headquarters loomed,
and the Law School as well. A law school in a place
of no law. A man was eating fish from a take-out box.
There are certain places where no variants exist, where
things are just always bad, always rotten. The sheds of
the old rail line, now disposed of, once stood here; bums
and vagrants hanging around, campfires and barrels, with
planks of wood for seating and sleep. It was a quick ride,
from NYC, on a 25 cent PATH. It was something to do.
Back on the other side, on the other hand, History was
still being written. You could live through New York
with a thread of a story; in Newark nothing was worth
anything at all  -  Philip Roth and LeRoi Jones
notwithstanding  -  and even they were
not any longer from there.
A man was eating fish, from a take-out box.

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