Monday, October 7, 2013


A town in Texas, perhaps? Or a new title by
Ashbery or Seidel? Calhoun, Sumter, Lincoln,
Webster  -  all them old-time dudes fighting off
their plague. I never cared, nor understood.
John Brown's body did what it should. Now
John Brown's body lies a moulderin' in the grave.
As it seems to me, under Autumn sky, under
April's fronds, under Lincoln's last-in-the-courtyard 
bloomed lilacs, we should at least  -  if we are teaching
a History  -  teach the Truth. The Truth is that all
facts lie and there's not a nothing that's not another
attempt at twisting the truth.
'The veriest spawn of the 'Father of Lies' is
that creeping creature called compromise.
Come to your senses! Up! Arise!'
October 1859 burned the distance between the
bridges  - all hate and solidarity now had their
forces aligned. 'John Brown was hanged, and just
in time,' they said. 'Stop those Abolitionist bastards
where their mothers dined.Their pabulum of fetid
milk shall we spoil anew!' John Brown's 
body lies a moulderin' too.

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