Sunday, October 20, 2013


As far as I see it,  -  and I'm most usually wrong  - 
you're just wasting time; following your noisy
kid around on his bicycle, learning to ride. Him, yes,
not you, of course. Walking the source of all things,
just hoping for balance. How can you even explain
to that kid what he's about to do or what he's up
against. We walk the razor's blade-edge of circumstance,
ourselves, with any training wheels long gone.
Now I watch too  -  he's lost a shoe. It's in the road.
The sun is up above all heads. Circumstantial evidence,
as it is, and certinly not for 'everyone'  -  this flatulent
globe, I'm told, bends and curves and is a circle, rotating,
pumping its gases, finding its own wheezing balance.
While we kill it? Or do we just try?

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