Friday, June 29, 2018

10,934. GUNK THAT UP

You may have the dry-heaves at
Mendelsohn's corner; you may feel
sick when you visit Hartmann's Garden
Center; but none of that will stop us
from getting across the border. I'm
intent on visiting Kentucky. And
maybe Indiana too. Never in my
life was I really aware that they're
sort of all bunched together here at
the bottom left of Ohio. Remember
Birch Bayh? He was a sort of liberal
Senator asshole back in the 70's,
from Indiana too, I remember. Boy,
the world was different then. Now
it's like a John Kasich dartboard,
by comparison. We've gotten
ourselves drowned in bad : bad
water and music and reasons and
feelings and beliefs. Do for the
least, and yo do for me. That
really gunks this world up.

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