Thursday, June 14, 2018

10,889. RUDIMENTS, pt. 345

RUDIMENTS, pt. 345
Making Cars
The way things go is very
strange. For myself, I have
trouble sleeping  - not in the
sense 'I can't fall asleep' -
that comes easy. What I
mean more is the stopping
and the shutting down.
Why have to go through
all that every night? It bugs
me, because there's usually
always one more thing I
should be undertaking. As
I look back over these older
days and times, I can't really
remember sleeping, though,
yes, of course, I slept each
night. It's the where and
when and how long that I
can't remember. I tell a few
things  - when you're out on
the street, half the time you
don't want to remember
anyway : 'That overhang that 
was used for shelter  -  nah,
wasn't any good. The breeze 
still came around, there was
water dripping down from
something all night, there 
were two really bright lights 
in my eyes almost all night, 
and whenever trucks came by 
for loading or whatever, I got 
their lights right on me, it 
seemed for their duration.
You'd think there's always a 
bathroom scene at the ready  -  
only sometimes there's not,
and if you leave your space, 
or leave things behind, 
they're apt to be gone or 
some other goon will be 
there when you return. Try 
the park, hope they don't lock 
the door, but even so, you're 
aware of what bushes and 
shelter are situated nearby. 
Something stunk by me all 
night  -  old, thrown out, rotting 
fish? Cats fighting over it in the 
dark? A stream of fickle water (?) 
or not, running past the gutter 
all the times. It too stinks, and
 seems fetid and greasy. Ugh. 
That pile of stuff you thought 
was old clothes and rags, there 
was a guy under there and he 
woke up late in the night and 
started thrashing and making 
lots of noise. Hope he didn't 
notice me. Maybe. I have this 
knife, but I'd probably be 
afraid to use it, or he'd 
overpower me anyway and 
use it on me. No! A madman 
with a broken bottle? Over 
there, all night there's been 
some kind of whore scene
going on. Too busy. They're 
getting too drunk. I only 
saw one cop car all night, 
it slowed, and they went 
off. In their mind, job done. 
I know they saw the goings 
on but no matter, they didn't 
see me over here. Hope it don't 
rain. Damn when morning comes 
I got nothing. This old Hostess 
thing, guess I can eat that. 
Buck-fifty-seven in this pocket. 
That's good. Coffee anyway 
when I wake. Can't brush my 
teeth with anything, so I'll gargle 
the coffee around. That'll work. 
These shoes are OK, but my 
feet are still sweaty and my 
socks are hard. They could
probably stand up by themselves.  
Yeah, these pants stink but no 
one cares, and these two shirts, 
I can't switch them anymore, 
because now they're equally 
bad, one atop the other don't 
matter. Darn. but at least it's 
not cold anymore, Good for 
that. I can probably get 
some bread and something 
from that restaurant dumpster...'
'See how boring that is; it 
never stops, stuff like that, 
and you've got to perform 
it night after night. If you 
get caught with an absence, 
sometimes it's difficult to 
get your spot back. They're 
as scarce as they are plentiful. 
Back then anyway  -  I used
the piers and the truck docks 
along the lower west-side 
waterfront. They were always 
good, and actually pretty 
desolate in spots too. The 
overhead Miller Highway 
thing was still in place  -  
girders, trucks, cars, freight, 
people headed to the Holland 
Tunnel, and off to the side, 
over by the water, was almost 
a beach-like expanse  - a few 
old buildings, stuff hanging 
out of them, concrete and 
broken boards, drug-addicted 
guys, menacing. Junk trucks 
littered the place too, often 
with their backs open  -  good 
shelter for really bad days, 
Winter too. People sleeping 
in those trucks don't like being 
surprised, or woken up either, 
you never know. Drunks 
and crazies. Some screwhead 
getting a suck-job. You could 
always tell the newer guys 
around here, because when 
you've been out here a while 
the last thing on your ind is 
sex or trade or getting laid. 
It's the new guys that are 
always hot to trot at first, 
and then it goes away  -  
like roosters that get old 
and tired, or something. 
I don't know about the 
ladies and girls, I don't
know if they ever like 
what they do. Some smile 
though. Bad teeth and all. 
Lady just last night, miserable 
wreck, probably 50 too, going 
on still like she was at home, 
about her son, who was 
miserable too, stole 
two-thousand dollars 
from her for drugs, comes 
downstairs with a needle 
still in his arm, how she 
never had a relationship with 
her daughter, never knew 
why but she'd wanted one, 
it was the daughter who didn't. 
Then no one wanted her around 
at all anyway, so she just left, 
and that's ho she ended up 
here  -  blah,blah, yeah lady, 
I bet. Really sad.'
'One time, even for me, a 
bad scene. I was walking 
along past one of those 
outdoor tables set-ups, 
restaurant and sandwich shop 
places and some suave older 
black guy hails me over, 
small talk about something, 
buys me a sandwich, sits me 
down to eat it, near him, with 
him, grills me about the streets, 
hippie stuff, I stayed a little 
mum, not saying much, and 
then he goes on to compensate 
and says if I am a 'hippie' (he 
said I was, I never agreed to that) 
I 'had to be the most naive hippie' 
he'd ever met. Then somehow 
he walks me around the corner 
to his place, we enter, he says 
he has some wine, some snack 
stuff, he's going, some old jazz 
music comes on, then he's next 
to me and says 'here, just touch it...' 
blah, blah, then he wants me to do 
the rest. Yep. Just like that. Pulls 
this gigantic purple unit out of 
his pants, like a hammer shank 
more than anything. Almost 
begging me to move on it with 
my hand. I could'a killed the 
guy, the sonofabitch. For a freakin' 
sandwich, boy I guess maybe I 
was naive. I just left the jerk 
reclining on his bed, hanging 
out. He could jack himself off 
for all I cared, until it fell 
off and landed on his feet, 
where I hoped it would at 
least hurt his toes. Whew.

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