Thursday, August 31, 2017


I heard it said before, 'Our flagellant
propensities propel us to astound the
world with what we do.' Yes, and well,
then, what? Leave the marker and go
get the chalk. Isn't this how we've 
made it to the moon? 
Your mother hid the moola then, and
they did that all without computers?
No, actually, it's a bit different : she
was alone and mostly afraid of all she
saw, and she was no longer sure she 
was seeing this. Just a few hours before, 
on this thing, was I Love Lucy.
And their use of no-computers was as
stupid as that statement I just made. They
HAD the computers then; they were making
them and that's how their use evolved.
Everything first is departmentalized.
And we only live alone, together, now.

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