Saturday, March 11, 2023


I never met a lion I couldn't beat,
yet nonetheless, one who'd not
easily take my seat. Bonkers and
Zonkers to that. I had a friend once,
 a long time ago, who asked of me,
'Does your hair ever hurt?'
She was in all earnest about the
question, but I didn't get it? I asked,
'Huh? What do you mean?' She
said something about how, after 
a few days, her hair began to hurt, 
on her head, at the certain places 
where the hair turned direction, 
or a part flipped over.
Cool question, and I figured it to
to be unique, and one with no real
answer, since it hadn't happened to 
me. My hair was work-short at the
time, whereas hers was long. Then,
years later, when my own hair was
long again, yeah, I realized what she
meant. Every so often my own hair 
hurt for sure.
Curious observations do make the
most curious conversations!

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