Friday, May 24, 2019

11,778. RUDIMENTS, pt. 694

(keep your own faith, I suppose)
Half the time I don't even remember
what I write two hours later; it gets
scary sometimes  -  though in the
'spooky' sense of scary, more rather
at the other end of that spectrum,
miraculous, like when an angel
descends and pinches your ear.
In the half-light of a type of'
localized fame that goes nowhere
and fades, you can watch the
slow change of that light  -  a
late daylight shading, eventually
spattering away. They tried to do
that in old moves, 1940's melodramas
when men would take over the lives
of women, and men. Guns blazing,
and then the fade of slowness as the
lead guy, villain, hero, antagonist
or protagonist, claims he can still
see, though it's fading fast (and
even if, past the plot needs of the
film itself, he never saw anything
anyway). Everything so wrong and
fake. (When I make these comments
sometimes about film and movies,
I too often feel wrong, in that they
portray me as someone who paid
a lot of attention to movies. Fact is,
as it went, I've never really even
'seen' many of these things I'm
writing about)...
The one scriptural character that has
always interested me is one called
'The Second Isaiah.' Actually, there
are a lot of things that interest me
in that era of storytelling, say BC
725 - to about 520. In that era
the previously exiled Israelites,
some of them felt they could not
practice their religion outside the
Promised Land. Pagan Gods before
this had always been territorial, and
for whatever reason it seemed
impossible to sing the songs of
Yahweh in a foreign country. They
instead relished the idea of hurling
Babylonian babies against a rock
and dashing their brains out.
But: 'A new prophet, however,
preached tranquility. We know
nothing about him, and this may
be significant because his oracles
and psalms give no sign of a
personal struggle, such as those
endured by his predecessors.
Because his work was later added
to the oracles of Isaiah he is usually
called the second Isaiah. (This is
where 'writers' really got their start).
Some Jews in exile had gone over
to the worship of the ancient Gods
of Babylon, but others were pushed
into a new religious awareness.
The Temple of Yahweh was in
ruins; older cultic shrines in Hebron
and Beth-El were destroyed; Yahweh
was all they had, and Second Isaiah
took it one step further and said
that Yahweh was the only God!
The first Isaiah had made history
into a divine warning. The Second
Isaiah made history generate new
hope for the future. ("Am I not
Yahweh? There is no other God
beside me.").' It all spoke profoundly
to their condition. He had become
the one and only, with no attempt
made to justify that claim by
philosophy. It no longer was
alien and disturbing to have this
claim of a God preventing
despair and providing hope.
This is where it always got
interesting for me; the way this
God early on set up the distance
and the disconnect (absence)
we've faced all these years.
"For my thoughts are not your
thoughts, my ways not your ways  -
it is Yahweh who speaks. Yes,
the Heavens are as high above
earth as my ways are above your
ways, my thoughts above your
thoughts." I always found that
profoundly hopeless.
On the other hand, I always 
guessed it was all the right way
because anywhere I'd ever been
'God' had been there first. That 
was revelation to me. From hospital
bed to 11th street, it was always
that way, had been, and stayed.
The only informal art of it all
was that I thought the messages
had all been misinterpreted over
all the years and used by others,
for power. And that, someday soon,
when the ship returns, they really
would all get their comeuppance.
Miracles would happen as time
was dissolved and ideas and
figments became real. And yes,
through the pathway of out-of-time
miracle and understanding and
recognition, bodies (bodies, by
 concept) would be reconstituted
and put back together, no matter
the condition. Countless and by
concept only, but the Makers
would be returning to take claim. 
It was all extra-terrestrial stuff.
and of course. Everything is, and
what did you expect? They made
us, have revisited, and will again.
In fact, and what the heck, here's
Ezekiel's space-ship story; all these
years you've had it, and I can't
understand why no one see it, or
believes this, (though they may say
they do when it's 'Doctrine' and
given incorrect interpretations.
Just like the rest of all these
biblical things, it's a spaceship:
and what's so bad about that?
'Among the first batch of exiles
to be deported in 597 had been a
priest named Ezekiel. For about
5 years after he stayed alone in
his house and did not speak to 
a soul. Then he had a shattering 
vision of Yahweh, which literally 
knocked him out. (Chapter 7, which
became very important to Jewish
mystics later on, along with other
'citings' of this nature). Ezekiel had
seen a cloud of light, shot through
with lightning. A strong wind blew 
from the north (these were primitives
writing, remember, and this was all
strange to them, way more than it
would be even to us today. That 
was a hovering spacecraft, a
traveling Earth-level surface craft,
and the wind ('from the North') was
actually not wind at all but the
roiling roars and air currents of the
hovering craft and its pilots and staff),
and in the midst of this stormy obscurity
he 'seemed' to see, (they had few words
to describe these occurrences), a
great chariot pulled by four strong
beasts. (Yes, yes, of course, personify 
it as if to something you've seen). They
were 'similar to the karibu carved
on the palace gates in Babylon (carved
representations of other 'G-d' visits).
They were visualized as each one 
having four heads (strange, helmeted
crew) with faces of man, lion, bull
and eagle. Each one of the wheels
rolled in different directions from
each other (in modern terms, gyroscopic
orientating gear and wheels). The
'beating of the creatures wings' was
deafening (rocket/engine type noises,
we know now), it 'sounded like the 
rushings of waters, like the voice of
Shaddai, a voice like a storm, like
the noise of a camp.' Centered with
a 'Chariot' (pilot seat), like a throne,
and there was a 'being there that
looked like a man (well, duh!).
It shone like brass, with fire 
shooting from its wings (space
craft, soon to lift-off again, back 
up to the waiting Mother-ship
in the sky. Sort of just like our
own Moon shots and landings.).'
I can't continue this, but it goes
on, and not just in the case of
Ezekiel either. Try Enoch; see
the radiation burns on Moses' face,
eventually killing him from sickness.
Only HE came so close, others were
not allowed near the craft, and told
to stay away. It all makes sense, and
it's all there. But I didn't tell you,
and you haven't heard it from me.
It's your world, and the interpretation
of it all is, likewise, yours. Just keep
your own faith, I suppose. Genesis
6 lays it out. They have been here,
and they are here now. 'It's all
been done before; it's all been
written in the book. Too much
of nothing, nobody should look.'

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