Saturday, May 11, 2019

11,747. RUDIMENTS pt. 681

(I slunk away, no words exchanged)
You know what I will say?
Experiencing weather in
New York City is like
nothing else; of course I
can't speak for Bryce
Canyon, the Netherlands,
or downtown Beijing, but
I'm talking about NYC. I
imagine a most difficult
thing is for me to try and
draw a writing picture of
3am, Chelsea, Village, or
Hell's Kitchen, during a
real snowstorm A real one,
not a 'weatherman' one  -
which is usually like
powder with 7mph winds.
Those people get all twisted
up and carried away. Even
a good, blinding rainstorm,
in NYC, becomes a major
environmental event. It's
all very cool, and the factors
of it all are magnified because
in all other aspects in quite an
un-natural place. There are so
many outlandish factors that
one takes, unwittingly, into
consideration and these each
alter directly the experience of
he event : First off, the heights
of everything, and the canyon
effect that produces, which
whips wind, curlicues it around
corners, which is understandable -
but also brings in other factors,
vertical factors. Yes, you can
experience rain, and snow, going
UP as it's coming down. The
sidelong wind-currents at the
tall buildings create updrafts
and, like a piece of confetti or
an ash of smoke, are driven up,
instead of down. Windblown
snow, and drifts resultant are
one thing, but everyone's seen
that  -  this is different in that
the quality of the action, and
foreign in all respects to one's
normal expectation,  is upward.
Upward in the same way an
umbrella gets turned (and ruined)
inside out, and in the same way
an unwitting, maybe non-city,
female suddenly has her dress
or loose skirt set to immodest
heights. (It's OK, dearie, you're
secret's safe with me). That
same upward draft draws all
things  -  candy wrappers to
garbage. Then there's the sound;
the rip and roar of that same
wind. Then there's the idea, little
thought of, of all that rain and
moisture careening off glass and
concrete; slapping on roadways
and corners, and, in fact, flowing
in huge gushers and eddies
sometimes. All of that indecent
infrastructure never see, is
overwhelmed often enough,
so that the gushers too become
corners establishments of half
frozen sludge, or solid ice too.
Winter can be harsh and unforgiving,
and just as much so in the way
it corrals people into narrower
spaces for walking  -  sometimes
snow paths and weird canyons.
There are so may things unheard
of or little thought of, and, as I
said, I'm sure it happens as well in
Pittsburgh, Akron, and Cleveland
too. It's in the nature of Nature
to be 'Nature'  -  only a drunk in
the gutter is ever truly de-natured,
and that's probably because he
just drank some de-natured alcohol.
By mistake?
So what are these differences? I know
for a fact that the City of New York
pays out multi-millions each year
on personal injury claims, lawsuits,
bogus by percentage or not, for
broken limbs, torn cartilage, twisted
this or that, loss of reasoning
power, onset of anxiety and grief,
etc., etc., for any of these factors.
It's crazy, and like a constant
skirmish, an ambush, undertaken
by voracious 'Lawyers.' Sometimes
there are so many strange things
that go on that you end up saying,
That didn't really just happen,
right?' People getting punched,
and into and through, plate glass.
A bum on the street, usually, say,
meek and complacent, seeking
a quarter or a dime (used to be),
suddenly goes vile (the old days'
equivalent of going viral today,
when in the old days 'going viral
would mean Bubonic Plague or
some fierce Flu) and sets off after
someone who smirked, or whatever.
Weirdest one is the person who
gets run over by a personal injury
attorney going too speedily to the
court date the attorney's late for. In
all this,money abounds, everywhere.
It's a snow-city of cash and
gold for the right party.
Some days, with a wave of the
hand, I'd cast it all away, wanting
to be gone, seeking nothing. I did,
however, always want a really
good soprano saxophone; something
I've still never gotten and probably
just as well. The idea is to learn well
what it is you're already doing  -  in
my case, piano  -  already versed in
the cloak of that coverage. Why
start something new, and anyway,
soon enough along came the weirdos,
like Kenny G, taking all that crap
away from me. After him, who'd 
want anything of that? On time,
to my great diminishment, I strode
into one of those piano showroom
places intent on playing some piano,
for myself; just to see what all that
was like on a really great Bosendorfer
or whatever they were, Steinway, some
great name. Some one else, to whom
I'd told this desire, prodded me along
saying, 'Oh you should just do it;
they'd probably not mind and, besides
they probably do very little all day.'
So, one day I did it. Not a word said.
Wouldn't you know they apparently
had a real strategy in place for 
something like this. A big, neatly 
uniformed-for-sales, black guy
comes out, sits at the piano nearest
to me, and begins playing, louder 
than I was, and far better, some 
masterful etudes or bagatelles or 
caprices, really good stuff. Oh boy.
I sling away, no words exchanged.
It was as if one of those very cold
updrafts had lifted me up, and out.
I could just imagine that guy's job
interview. 'Well, Martin, we'll want 
you to look the part, look good as one
of our high-toned piano-sales-reps,
but if and whenever one of those
street sluggos come in, you'll have to
step right to it  -  you play really well,
by the way  -  and take a near-by
bench and overplay and outclass that 
person until he leaves. We can't
just throw them out, and no words
need even be spoken. Got it?'

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