Thursday, October 25, 2018


They've closed the latest Sears,
or the latest one I've ever seen
anyway. Like the one in Elmira,
which has been gone for 20 years
already. Just a space there now,
and some place with bargain shoes.
Right behind it though, is still the
small-size city cemetery, right
there in the old heart of town.
Facing McDonalds and all that
crap. Food for the missus is food
for the rats. All these graves here
run right near to houses too, and
the old base of the Sears foundation.
What do these dead wear? Foundation
garments from Sears in a ghostly
array? Chickamauga? Gettysburg?
Or Wilderness? Which battle you'd
rather be dead from, the preference
runs to you, like water underground.
In Carlisle, PA, maybe 150 south of
there, the bullet holes can still be seen
from some Confederate challenge to
surrender, back then, the day before
the Gettysburg Battle started. No one
did much of anything but shrug; so
Johnny Reb bombarded the town,
while marching right up the main
drag. That didn't happen in Elmira.
The gave them a Sears instead.
(Maybe today it'd be a Chick-Fil-A)?

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