Monday, February 28, 2011


I am listening while I watch the Sun - hearing
its noise, a steady thermal hiss, a large cosmic
hum thrumming. It colors the spaceship I'm on;
stark blues ands raving mad reds. Elliptical shadows
thwarting each other, and the deep blackness of
Space as I see it. There is no end in this sight,
nor can this ending see. Ethereal as some leaden
mouse hiding frightened in a large room's corner,
I too hover and shake. I do not know where it is
I am, and my wandering eyes - to behold something
at all - look about and see only the ages before me,
and behind, stretched. Time in becoming, or matter in
decay. You know how it is said the 'past is proloque';
well it happens the other way too. 'Life', Samuel
Butler said, 'is like giving a violin concert while learning
to play the instrument.' I'd imagine he meant all at once,
at the very same time, learning and doing, in public.
Somehow I find a meaning there, and here - beneath an
obtrusive and settling Sun that wants to burn my face
but cannot. Instead, I swelter in the heat of thought,
realizing only faintly where I am, and where it is I
am perhaps going, and, alas, where it is - all - that
I have already been. I am listening while I stare at the
Sun; hearing its noise, all its steady thermal hiss.

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