Monday, February 17, 2020

12,564. RUDIMENTS, pt 965

RUDIMENTS, pt. 965
(watch out, troglodytes)
As a kid, I can remember one
very odd thing that that always
stood out. I seem to think
of it as mid or late 1950's
and having to do with black
and white TV (metaphor for
race relations?). The product
was advertised plainly, as
was normal in those simpler
days -  a deep toned, dulcet
voiced narrator, in his pear
shaped tone going on about
iron-poor blood and how that
was responsible for so much
of the tired and lethargic, run
down behavior that, I guess,
was so prevalent (?) then. The
product was 'Serutan.' It
was some sort of syrup they
wished for you to take daily,
like cough medicine. And
at the close the announcer
would say, 'Remember,
Serutan is 'Natures' spelled
backwards. I was never sure
what he was meaning to say;
firstly, the question of the
possessive apostrophe always
jumped right up at me. What
had they done about that? Just
dropped it? Did they mean
that taking this syrup to fortify
your deficient blood was a
natural form of cure? If so,
why didn't nature already have
that taken care of? Isn't that
what Nature was about? Where'd
they get the presumption to claim
this quack-medicine, in a very
large way, as legitimate stuff?
Who was running this crap, and
why did no one speak up? But,
those were the ways of the times;
every wonder-formulated BS was
peddled. They had nullified an
entire concept, for their own 
purposes. Wonder Bread, building
strong bodies 12 ways? That
pulp-bread made of nothing but
air? One could tell it was simply
heavily-aerated light dough, and
because it was so bad it had to be
pumped up with these 'needed'
vitamins and minerals to be of any
value past bread-chewing-gum.
Empty. Airless. And pathetic. The
American marketing monster was
already underway. TV was it's
new, most lame, mouthpiece.
Like now, people believed
anything they were told. By
contrast, now, International
Flavors and Formulations, down
along Route 36, can concoct for
you any essence of any flavor,
all fake, so that if you even
put on drop of its version of
'lemon' in your powdered
poison lemonade, you can
call it so, and call it all-natural
too! IFF also has large corporate
offices in midtown Manhattan,
and I'd hate to dine in their
commissary. Their buildings
along Rt. 36 are two or three
of the cheesiest, crappiest
versions of corporate-budget
architecture I've ever seen. I
have NO idea what they were
thinking. They had a restaurant
there too, for many years, called
'Lakeside Manor.' Except it wasn't
a lake at all and the dining people
there, probably local council people
for their lunches and soirees and
family weddings, like anywhere
else, were ignorant of reality and
yet claimants of being 'in the know'
so as to facilitate this sort of
hoax. The waters of that 'lake'
were cobalt blue with the dumped
accumulations of the chemistry of
their manufactured fake flavors.
For forty years I knew of they
used and dumped into that
breeding ground of pestilence
(and still do, but I don't know
now how it's presently done,
EPA and all. They probably
just color it darker). In any
case, that water, claimed as
a lake, is not a lake, it's a pool
of runoff that flows into the tidal
parts of the Raritan Bay and the
adjacent marsh there (don't take
my word, Sluggo; go see for
yourself. Or better yet, let me
rephrase it : get off your dead,
stupid, ass and do something
for once about a real issue).
This is YOUR life.
In the pre-Civil War days one
of the grandest of American
issues was 'nullification.' A
state took it upon itself to say
NO to a federal measure that
they didn't agree with  -  or at
least that the powers there didn't
agree with. It was mostly aimed
at preserving the slave culture
and forcing the ignoring of
federal edicts; slave states,
fugitives, etc.  All it was, in
reality, was one power-set 
negating, or trying to negate,
the other power-set. What to do?
Nullification was a huge battle.
Now it's being played out in
much the same way, by cities
and stupid-ass pretentious towns
pretending at implements
'sanctuary' towns and zones.
It amounts to nullification, and
agreement to tolerate a sort of
lawlessness that makes no sense.
What it needs to be cured is a
bullet to the head. Those who
fabricate this ridiculous level
of incongruency need to be
forcibly shown, or someone 
needs be 'sacrificed' to show, in
a sort of John Brown moment, 
what's really at stake. As an
individual, if I decide to nullify
traffic lights, taxes and paying
full supermarket prices for
anything, why then am I not
just as valid as those ignorant
council and Mayoral perps 
who selectively implement
a narcissistic form of myopic
self-absorption? I'll run a certain
mute someone right off the road
over that advocation of lawlessness.
These folks now, with their 'sanctuary'
bullshit are advancing lawlessness.
When the lawmakers can't even
recognize the word 'illegal' in illegal
immigrant, and set out to nullify it,
then they should be ready for same 
by me. Lawmakers are now 
advocating the ignoring of laws? 
I shall throw rocks through
the fire station windows, and I shall
throw rocks through the glass of 
Schools 4&5, because I myself don't 
agree with school policies, the new
plans for school destruction, and the
overblown firemen crap we have to
live with? Obviously, there is no
more a factor off 'Law' in anything, 
except  by what assholes choose to
believe? Can you hear me Mayor Widget
and Councilman Stillborn? And, 
in addition, the local ladies of charity
in the burnt-out churches of Avenel, 
they too drag out their crap to defend  
their stupid case. I have news for
you, Sister Clifford, if your Jesus were 
to come back today, he'd have a lot more  
to do than just cleansing the temple. He'd 
overturn the tables, as well, at Town Hall,
at your perverted churches, and he'd set 
fire to the System. Take it from me; 
you're living a sham.

My opinion? If the man had even
the hint of a moral fabric he'd resign
or speak out and vote against it
instead of voting as he's told. But
our present state of affairs gives
us nothing of the sort : in fact,
we go brain-hungry with these
mall-bred sorts in charge. But it 
won't happen. He doesn't have 
that sort of personal honor. Just
so you understand, this action
is AGAINST you, and FOR
lawlessness. These men are
simple-toned criminals who are
packing your town with dirt.
The social structure around here,
in the kingdom now of nullification,
is mostly turning ghetto; even
vaguely Hispanic. It's all cheered
on, of course, by the criminals
who make money off it. I don't
know where it leads, but I've
already declared war; so watch
out, troglodytes.
I'm continually amazed by the
lack of citizen action I see in a
supposed freemans' democracy.
Everyone just sucks their thumbs,
(I hope just that), while the jets
careen overhead, the projects
proliferate, the creatures at #64
go on and on, continuing their 
farce, and the wide-glide
butt-pack of a Mayor just
goes on leading his charge
(and his charges, which is
probably the easiest part).

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